There are many different educational strategies that are available and found to be effective for children with ASD.  It is important to note, that there has been no comparative research that shows one strategy is more effective than another.  Autism Spectrum Disorder is just that, a spectrum, which means the symptoms of autism, and their severity, can vary considerably in each individual on the autism spectrum (Autism Speaks Inc., 2008).  Parents and professionals need to understand that not all children on the spectrum respond in the same way to the same interventions.  Children with ASD are individuals, and just like anyone else, learn in different ways, have different strengths, different challenges, and interests.

There are intervention strategies for communication and socialization.  There are strategies for behavior and self awareness.  Tools for visual and sensory needs are available.  There is a plethora of information available to parents of children with autism spectrum disorder.  The challenge is for parents to find information in language that can be understood, and resources for additional information all in one place.  Creating an information website for the school district can provide a place for parents to learn about autism spectrum disorder, basic interventions, and links to more in depth resources.
